New Car Warranty Approved

At Green Bean Auto we’re approved by the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) as a ‘New Car Warranty Safe Repairer’. This means you’ll sleep easy knowing a fully qualified mechanic will carry out your new car servicing and parts replacement – just the way the manufacturer intended and all at a fraction of the dealerships cost. We bet the dealership failed to mention that bit to you?

“But how?” you may ask? Well, because we; only employ fully qualified technicians, use genuine or factory approved parts, and use only the latest electronic diagnostic equipment, we’ve passed the ACCC’s certification criteria with flying colours.

So, if you’d like your car to run just the way the manufacturer intended, but without the scary manufacturers price tag, and all from the comfort of your own home or workplace, then why not book your brand new car’s next service with us?

For more information on the ACCC’s choice of repairer guidelines click here

New Car Warranty

A word from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) have recently provided updated information regarding consumer rights and servicing cars under warranty. This information is consistent with previous guidance that the Australian Consumer Laws (ACL) gives car owners a guaranteed level of protection for vehicles they buy and that this guarantee applies regardless of any other warranty offered by a vehicle manufacturer.

Furthermore, there is NO REQUIREMENT under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) for a vehicle to be serviced by an authorised dealer in order for the consumer guarantees to apply.

New Car Warranty FAQ’s

These FAQ’s are provided as an information aid to customers and to assist in dispelling the myths surrounding new car servicing and manufacturers warranties. The Australian competition and consumer commission ACCC also provide guidance on their website 

There is no requirement to service your car at a manufacturers dealership to preserve;

  • Any manufacturer’s warranty that may apply to your vehicle.
  • Any state or territory based statutory warranty that may apply to your vehicle.
  • Or your rights to consumer guarantees (formerly known as implied statutory warranties).

We are qualified to carry out logbook servicing and we ensure that all work is done according to the manufacturers specifications, using appropriate quality parts and lubricants where required.

We can and we will stamp your logbook to verify the work has been conducted by fully qualified staff according to the manufacturers specifications, using appropriate quality parts.

Evidence of a well maintained car will normally augur well with upholding the resale value.

Should you have a warrantable defect, it may be a condition of the warranty that any work to replace or repair the defect is carried out at a dealer workshop. However, the manufacturer may still choose at their discretion to allow us to do the work on their behalf. 

It’s a common misconception that your consumer guarantees have a specific time limit. Whilst the manufacturer may choose to put a time limit on their warranty, this cannot replace your consumer guarantees. Protection provided under Australian consumer law will take into account the purchase price, realistic time expectations of when a failure may occur, any advertising claims and the conditions under which a vehicle should operate. A manufacturers warranty is in addition to, not in lieu of your consumer guarantees.

Motor vehicle dealers sometimes offer their own extended warranties on vehicles, which usually kick in after the manufacturer’s warranty and may stipulate that the vehicle must be serviced by the actual dealer offering the warranty. They are generally within their right to impose this condition, although we add the caution that such warranties are not always as they seem and we are happy to advise you on the conditions and relative value before you commit to a serve plan.

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